The Very Best Books I Read in 2022

Mike Paul
4 min readDec 31, 2022
Photo by Tom Hermans on Unsplash

I am lucky to work in a profession that allows me time to read. Actually, it’s pretty much part of my job to read professional development books. I’m always looking for new strategies to share with teachers.

Of course, I also read out of necessity for my doctoral work. And that reading will only increase in the next few years. Still, I am committed to reading as much as possible since I am working on my books (you gotta read if you want to write). More on that later in this post.

I’ve participated in reading challenges for the past few years, but I thought I’d publish a list of the best books I read this year. I wanted to do this partially as. a way to remind myself of the books I’ve read and what I learned from them and encourage more of you to read more in the next year. You can’t go wrong by reading more, and if you plan the time, I promise you’ll be astounded by how much you can read in a year.

Here, in no particular order, are the books that I loved the most in 2022:

The Library Book by Susan Orlean

In her fascinating 2018 book, The Library Book, Susan Orlean recounts the story of the Los Angeles Public Library and its remarkable journey from destruction to rebirth. On April 29th, 1986, a devastating fire consumed the Central Library of Los Angeles…



Mike Paul

I dad, I tech, I teach, I write. Not always in that order. INTJ. Ravenclaw. 1w9. Wannabe academic and author.