13 Lessons Learned On The Way to 13 Years of Marriage

Mike Paul
Published in
6 min readJun 21, 2021


13 years ago, on an overcast Saturday morning in central Kentucky, my wife and I said our “I dos” in front of a small group of family and friends. It was a simple event with little fanfare and quite possibly the world’s best breakfast casserole and country ham biscuits (we still have people talk about the food and how relaxed the atmosphere was that day).

Yes, our wedding was pretty cool.

For both of us, this was wedding number two. She, a domestic violence survivor, and I, a survivor of my own mentally and verbally abusive relationship, began our journey together in a garden full of flowers as the sun broke through the clouds.

Since then, we’ve had our share of struggles and triumphs both individually and as a couple (more on that in a moment) that have led us to where we are today. Three years in, we decided it would be a good idea to have a kid and give that business a whirl. Four years in, I decided it would be a great idea to begin a second career in education and go on to finish three degrees in eight years. My wife took on her own challenges as she took on different positions, inexorably moving her way up to more responsibility and greater success in her career, even expanding into what we hope will one day become a thriving private practice.



Mike Paul

I dad, I tech, I teach, I write. Not always in that order. INTJ. Ravenclaw. 1w9. Wannabe academic and author. https://mikepaul.com